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They call it Active anticheat but for me it s the same or maybe modified Frost security anticheat. It differs cause the Launcher launch the private server like: Launcher ---> ActiveLauncher(the one that call the anticheat and the.sys driver)---> and if the files is not modified or.sys loaded etc the game is launching. Active anticheat. Active Anticheat(AA) Protection ActiveAnticheat launches a driver that completely isolates the game client. Also does not allow to join process, clicker's as do not work. Now when i click l2.exe the Anticheat kicks in, some russian words appear at the bottom of it, it takes a while like it is downloading some files, after that the l2 client opens for 5 seconds and than closes. How to create a 3D Terrain with Google Maps and height maps in Photoshop - 3D Map Generator Terrain - Duration: 20:32. Orange Box Ceo 2,539,469 views.